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Old 03-19-2020, 08:48 AM
dougjb dougjb is offline
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A recent report indicates that there have been a grand total of 33 COVID-19 tests conducted upon Villagers.

Perhaps that is why some Villagers say no big deal...there really aren't Villagers who are positive. I would suggest it is best to be circumspect rather than throw caution to the wind. For those businesses, particularly restaurant and bars that continue to avoid Public Health guidelines, I would say not only would I not support any bailout of your business, but I will intentionally avoid patronizing in the future! Close up shop and lets all hunker down a bit here. Wouldn't your really rather say in hindsight, gosh we really overreacted, than have your Will read to your beneficiaries that includes a line, "Well, he didn't really give a damn about himself or those around him."