Thread: Idiots
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Old 03-19-2020, 03:48 PM
NavyVet NavyVet is offline
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Why can't everyone who is retired/doesn't have a job/doesn't have to be at work just stay the fluff home?
Good grief, is partying more important than putting one's life or others at risk?
The only way for this crisis to pass is to use common sense and precautionary measures. If selfish narcissists want to ignore everything and do as they please, then it will get a lot worse before it gets better.
Here are some ideas to pass the time AT HOME:
Read some books.
Do puzzles.
Catch up on movies and TV shows.
Clean out a closet.
Listen to music.
Do something artistic or creative.
Learn a second language.
Join an on line support group.
Communicate with others via phone, email, etc.
Play games, computer or other.
Learn stuff. Take an online class.
Catch up on paperwork, filing.
Watch a sunset.
Take a walk.
Dance/exercise to a music or workout video.
Appreciate the small joys in life and remember there is always someone worse off than you.
If you can't go to a bar, stock up on booze or whatever else and self-medicate at home. You shouldn't be driving anyway.
Don't become a statistic. Stay safe and Healthy!
Good luck to us all!

Medicated Vet ... For your protection.
Quote from Boot Camp Company Commander: "I'm gonna have to issue you all plexi-glass belly buttons, so when you have your heads up your asses, you can at least see where you're going."