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Old 03-21-2020, 04:16 PM
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tophcfa tophcfa is offline
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We leave ours at 81. Anything above 83 and you are likely to get too much humidity, which could lead to mold issues. We also leave a couple of dehumidifiers that drain into sinks or tubs with the relative humidity set at 60%. If our AC is working properly they should never need to run, but they are there as a cheap insurance policy should our AC unit die as a way to help control the humidity. So far no problems over several summers. We do get to our home at least once every summer just to check on things and we also check on a friends home, and they return the favor when they periodically visit their home. We are not Snowbirds, but rather part time residents that come and go throughout the year whenever we can ditch our responsibilities up north for enough time to make it worth the travel.