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Old 03-22-2020, 09:11 PM
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Nucky Nucky is offline
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How about this. The people from the Hot-Spot around Westchester County in N.Y. are flocking to their N.J. summer homes from Neptune to Cape May. I would do the same thing. People are rattled and doing what they think is best for themselves and their families. I would also.

My first inclination is to run back to Jersey to be with The Grandkids but they are the ones I personally have to be careful being around. We have 3 daughter in laws who are in the Healthcare Business. Best to stay put for now. So far they are all healthy. Thank God!

I just lost my best friend, more than a brother last week to Cancer. I don't fly but was going to fly anyway as I wanted to pay my last respects to him, his children and his siblings. I was threatened by one of his brothers to not come up there because of my extra added risk. I'm grateful for his tough love to snap me out of it before I made a bad decision and have it cost me my life possibly. Over 800 people payed their respects but were let in little by little. He was a popular person. It ran smoothly as the Funeral Director was really on the ball.

Chatbrat has given some rough medicine to Posters on TOTV'S lately. Sometimes good advice isn't politically correct. My Fathers advice when I was a kid wasn't P.C. I'm grateful for his wisdom. I wish you could understand he means well it's just said in a Jersey tone. His advice in this Thread is SOLID. Stay Put.