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Old 03-23-2020, 02:27 PM
Byte1 Byte1 is offline
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There are some in the Villages and elsewhere that are in denial about the seriousness of this pandemic. They are so use to being lied to by the media that they cannot now believe the media when it reports REAL statistics. This is a real pandemic, BUT we are Americans, and Americans have fought and won world wars, the plague, polio, etc. There is no use being hysterical, but be pragmatic about it. It is what it is and it is not something to take lightly. The reason folks are stocking up on items is that they fear martial law where they will be forced to stay home. Many Villagers do NOT have family to rush to their aid and provide them with supplies that they need.....necessities. We are proud Americans and we will NOT succumb to civil disorder. We will be civil and even care for our neighbors. I am not saying that we should lock ourselves in our homes, just be prudent in listening to the experts in how to beat this thing. This gov is doing a great job of handling these emergencies as they become evident. Do you want leaders that panic and get hysterical and shout "the sky is falling" or do you want a calm leader with a steady hand. Anyone that is criticizing our leaders need to remember that they have been elected by the people and are tasked with the responsibility of the citizens they govern. Instead of complaining about problems, think about how you can be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
I see folks lining up at the Polo Field to get tested. WHY? If you have no symptoms and prove to yourself that you are not infected, does that mean you will stay at home so you are not infected tomorrow? Are you that selfish that you would waste limited test kits, just to be able to announce that "yesterday" I tested negative. What about tomorrow. The only reason for testing is to find out if you need treatment. And apparently, until they come out with a medicine to treat it, all they will tell you is to stay home so you don't infect others. Americans do NOT panic. Americans do NOT get hysterical. This is a serious crisis, but if you use your head you can survive it. There is plenty of food in America. AND there is places that will deliver to you, IF you feel the need.
Do not announce your stupidity by suggesting that this is a hoax or that the gov is lying to you. If you do not feel this is real, then explain Italy or the other 121 countries that have the pandemic. If you want to blame someone for hiding this from you, BLAME China. China should not be experimenting with biological warfare. Yes, that part is my opinion, based on their past record and the evidence of the wide spread, hardly heard of virus.
If you are mad at the pool closures, so what? Grow up and be the adults you are supposed to be. Why should the workers be exposed to this virus, just because some elitists are upset that their pool time has been delayed?
And for those grandparents that are suddenly being inundated with grandkids that are out of school because of this, with no babysitters, keep you kids off the golf carts and near home. They are also possible spreaders and they definitely do not need to be in accidents, when the police have more important things to handle. I am seeing all kinds of kids running loose in the Villages. In my opinion, they should not even be here. But, that's just me.