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Old 03-24-2020, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by rustyp View Post
I think your textbook needs an update. Used to be Type 1 was known for compromised immune systems. But in the last ten years studies are also showing Type 2 compromise also. I just completed a 4 session course here in TV by a PA whose entire career was diabetes related field. That's what they are teaching now. In my case it's immaterial since I am immune compromised from other ailments. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.
You really want to debate this with me???? Really????
Oh, right, YOU completed a whole 4 session, right, a FOUR session course Taught by a PA.

I bow to your superior expertise. I only taught this to medical students and residents for 30 years. I don't know why I'm even bothering to type this, other than to say you should refrain from using terminology that you don't understand

But here's another point. You posted, to thousands of Villagers that have type 2 DM, that they are (erroneously) immunocompromised and at even higher risk of death. Was there a purpose to that? If so, what was it?

PS---just saw you edit and I agree, you DON"T understand it

Actually, I'm not clear on that statement either. It seems to be referring to downregulation of insulin receptors at the cellular level of target tissues, but I have no idea what the term "organismal metabolism" even means

Last edited by golfing eagles; 03-24-2020 at 07:46 PM.