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Old 03-25-2020, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Bogie Shooter View Post
What is many more? What is the basis for this statement?
The basis for this statement is my best judgment and assessment.

Let’s say hypothetically the medical authorities determine zero risk of coronavirus is achieved by everyone staying housebound for one year. The problem is, if this is done nationally in all locations, the economy stops, goods eventually become scare, people run out of essentials and so forth. Medications become hard to get along with food. Older people start to get sick and die.

As food runs out, people, probably starting in ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the large cities, start to pillage and then eventually riot. Civil disorder would then ensue.

By the way, this is why many people do in fact have numerous firearms and ammo etc stockpiled. This is often laughed at by those who consider themselves more sophisticated and tend to favor strict gun restrictions. There may be a change of opinion, over time by some, on this issue.

In any event, at some point (and that’s the tough part … which point) we have to get back to business.