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Old 11-14-2008, 09:04 AM
Boomer Boomer is offline
Soaring Parsley
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
It is 4:36 in the morning as I read this and I am ready to jump into the red and white ostentatious used golf cart that is ours and drive up to Lake Sumter landing and wait for Barnes and Noble to open and spend some of whats left of our retirement fund on a book written by this man.

This may be another section that I avoid after political.

Boomer? YOU were the smacker????
No, no, no, GG. Go back and read that post in this thread again. I was the "smackee." It was not my recent political thing from the other day. That one was just for fun and did not cause a donnybrook -- or knock-down-drag-out. That one was just about how your space might reveal your political leanings. But the topic seemed to belong in political and so I tiptoed in. That one is nice.

But one time, several weeks ago, I got smacked around in political. It was not a lively discussion. That I can do. It was a smackeroonie. I had attempted to inject a wee bit of humor, you see. And I got called two names. One was "elitist" and one was "sexist." Me? There were some serious people in there in those days. But never underestimate my ability to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. I just walked away. -- actually I ran.

Hey, I think I am off topic here.

Oh well, back to Carl H. Maybe see if there is a paperback of "Stormy Weather." That one is my favorite and Skink is in it. It is about the sleaze that slither out in the aftermath of a hurricane.

The bad guys always get it though with Carl in charge. But the humor is slightly dark sometimes. I always describe CH's books as "Florida Meets Fargo."

And GG, why don't you just go get yourself a library card. That is a nice little library up there on the north side of the south side. GG, if you do not want to spend all your money at B&N, get thee to the library.
