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Old 03-28-2020, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by B767drvr View Post
Nearly 4 months after the first novel virus cases erupted in Wuhan... and you're insisting (apparently) that our intelligence agencies are so inept that they can't figure out whether we're under a biological attack or not?

Not sure what to make of you Tex. Are you sure your 3-letter agencies aren't AAA, DMV, FHA? If you have even the most remote affiliation with our intelligence agencies, you wouldn't be pushing the falsehood that no one knows the origination of this virus and whether it is natural or weaponized.

I have interacted with the people that make these sorts of determinations and they would heartily chuckle at your naiveté. (Sorry, just calling it as I see it.)
I did not say the intel agencies are inept. I said they will not emote in the manner you seem to consistently do. Their job is to provide objective intel to the policymakers (POTUS and others) so they can then determine what to do and when. The real question is whether the altered virus was released through CCP ineptness or deliberately.

If it make you feel better in the meantime, go for it and vent all you want. I'm sure you're calling it as you see it but ... you really don't know what you're talking about.