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Old 03-31-2020, 09:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Tom1916 View Post
Blood letting in the US in 1918 , I don't think so, could you imagine going to a hospital and the doctor doing that lol.
If the antibiotics are working why are thousands of people dying?
Be lucky you don't live in Spain.
If you are 65 and older they are now removing the ventilators and giving sedation and the patients die, why are they doing this because they don't have enough ventilators and are giving them to the young Spaniards so they will live. The doctors are fighting against doing that. How is that for a reality check.
As you know we don't have a vaccine and probably won't for a year, hopefully have one before the second wave.
Antibiotics don't work on Viruses. This is much more serious than any health emergency I have seen in my life. Ebola was very serious as well and people were allowed to come to this country infected. It has taken awhile for everyone to grasp it, to get it, to try to understand it and we still don't know how long it will last or whether it can reinfect. As you said, the one thing that can help us we don't have yet and that is a vaccine to immunize against it. We have no anti-viral and the Malaria drug is still just really being tested. I haven't heart a valid thumbs up for it yet. All we can do is stay away from anyone who could be carrying it to us.
It is better to laugh than to cry.