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Old 04-02-2020, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Two Bills View Post
If as you advocate, the US. is to bring production back from abroad, and still be competetive, the American worker better be prepapared to work for less than the minimum wage, or persuade the share holders to accept taking the hit, and we know that will fly like a lead baloon!
That was the main reason most companies moved abroad. Cheap labor, bigger profits and dividends, and of course, no unions.
Surely you cannot think for one moment that the American public will accept anything at a higher price, long term, just because it is 'Made in USA.'
Given an option, the majority will still buy the cheapest, wherever it comes from!
You raise a great point. No easy answers. We all wanted cheaper goods ... very few exceptions.

But, we're at a crossroads. We'll all have to adapt. Workers take less, management less, shareholders less, retirees get their pensions shaved somewhat and so forth. While we're at it, we should improve the level of education / understanding about Econ 101 which is partially what you're saying.

We need to save our country for our kids and grandkids. Maybe we need to go the WWII mode. People want Trump to invokes the DPA and others. Maybe it's time to do that, and more.

It will take unity and a strong leader, and a lot of prayer as well, even though I know the seculars will sigh at that.