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Old 04-03-2020, 11:44 AM
DianeM DianeM is offline
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Originally Posted by Twiganne View Post
Of course China is lying. That is what communist countries do. Interestingly enough I saw a thread on one of my sites. I wish I had it to share. It basically goes like this. In 2015 a reporter in Europe covered how the Chinese could start a pandemic. The Chinese have been working in labs forever developing viruses. They were warned by the WHO and many countries to quit this practice out of fear that the virus may escape from the lab and put entire countries at risk. So this shouldn’t shock you. The city they had the lab in was Wuhan. So what were they working on? They were combining one of the corona viruses and binding it to bat genes. I don’t find this coincidental. Perhaps the virus escaped a lab or perhaps it was brought out purposefully. I am not a conspiracy type of person. It doesn’t really matter. What is done is done. When this all over I can guarantee a lot of our drugs will no longer come from China and our companies will be producing them in the US. As far as I am concerned we should start gradually cut off trade from China altogether and bring our jobs home. It is time to give China the big screw and they won’t enjoy it. We know all we need to know about China. They threaten to hold antibiotics from us and blame our military for bringing the virus in. They don’t accept responsibility and never will.
Perfectly stated. When this is over, we need to hurt them in their wallet. They unleashed this trash on the world intentionally and need to be made to pay the price. Time to remember we are Americans and can do anything better than any communist manifesto country.