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Old 04-03-2020, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by blueash View Post
Sorry, but it is not some kind of statistical manipulation by scientists trying to fool you. There is an additional number that you didn't present. There are three categories. One is death, two is recovered meaning you are completely well, and third which is the largest group is still ill. That third group can go either way, die or get better. On the Johns Hopkins dashboard at this moment:

Total cases abt 1,100,000
Deaths 59,000
Recovered 225,000

Not shown is that third group, still being observed which would be abt 816,000.

The overall death rate is 59000/1100000 = .0536 or 5.36%
You forgot about the 4th category, asymptomatic cases that are never diagnosed or counted. People that catch it, have no symptoms, don't get sick, are never counted. Estimates of this number are 10 times documented cases, which drops your death rate to .5%