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Old 04-04-2020, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by TimeForChange View Post
I have played the Champ courses for the last eight and one half years. I played twice this week and we practiced social distancing in both groups. Yesterday on Cane Garden I saw a group that had just finished and they were all sitting under a tree next to the first tee with most outside of their carts and no more that two to three feet apart. I live on Belle Glade and while walking my dog I noticed a foursome with four carts all standing on the T box no more than three to four feet from each other. Next I saw two women waiting to T off not more than two feet from each other in a conversation. If you want the golf courses to be CLOSED then keep it up. I guarantee you the powers to be are watching. I love golf and it is the main reason we moved here but some are just not caring or not listening to the rules of the Governor and our POTUS. Practice social distancing!
As always, the few inconsiderates will kill the game for us all. Maybe if some of us would bring their infractions to their attention , they would try to comply, Silly me, probably the same entitled folks who believe that their violation of deed restrictions is ok.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" Edmund Burke 1729-1797