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Old 04-04-2020, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by ffresh View Post
NO, sorry but my viewpoint puts no one at risk. I am not ordering people to go to church or do anything else to their potential peril; that is the call for the individual to make, not me. On the other hand, I am not clamoring for the STATE to quash all civil liberties and FORCE people to comply with what I feel they should do. I am not calling for people to "write to the governor and demand he close the churches", ad nauseum. People who are very afraid of the current situation can, as I suggested in another post, remain in lockdown until this passes, order in all of your meals, and you'll probably be safe from Corona. But let others, including myself, go about our business, perhaps, at our own peril, [/B]just as we do every day, Corona or not. That's our/my choice to make and I don't want you to make it for me (or call the governor and say, "did you see what Fred is doing").

Therein lies your misconception. Unless you are completely isolated from any human contact, your desire to continue your normal activities puts not only yourself (which is certainly your prerogative), but puts any person you have any contact with directly or indirectly at risk, which is definitely not your prerogative.
"the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."