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Old 04-14-2020, 10:58 AM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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I only know about my own stocks. One, Lane Bryant, dissolved years ago, and my stock certificate is just a piece of nostalgia now, with no value at all.

I traded in my Israel bonds a decade after they matured, so I got a net profit from that.

Water Company was bought out by another company, which bought out all shareholders for pennies over the most it had ever traded for. So while I would've liked to remain invested another decade, I got to enjoy quarterly dividend checks for many many years, and I got the initial investment of $500 plus another $10,000 back.

Intel has been through a roller coaster since I got my first 10 shares. Doubled and split, then doubled again and tanked, then went up and down again, recession, dot-com bubble and bust, tech innovations, the current administration's back and forth against Huwei, and now the COVID-19 situation. After all is said and done, my stock is hovering near $60/share. That's pretty much where it's been for the past couple of years. It's also around $20/share more than it had been, except for an enormous spike around 2000/2001.