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Old 04-17-2020, 10:24 AM
thomp679 thomp679 is offline
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
It was a generic "I"

What is so hard about this?

I "choose" not to swim laps, but it doesn't give me the right to turn a sports pool into a wading pool

Someone may "choose" not to play golf, it doesn't give them the right to turn the course into a dog park or walking trail.

Pretty simple, huh?

Here's another simple concept: Instead of pleading your case on TOTV, where all you're likely to get is blowback, try contacting golf course management to get the rules changed. At the very least they will explain to you why they made the rules the way they did.

PS: "Good neighbors" don't violate the rules of the community by doing their own "thing"
I will keep it simple as I am not Barney Fife. I am not pleading a case as I do not walk or use the courses other than playing golf.

But I have two questions.

1) You still haven't stated the impact or damage to your life caused by the concerns of this topic?

2) Why should I be restricted to 'pleading' a case on TOTV as you continually plead your views.

In the mortal words of Barney Fife, the Villages newest after hours ambassdor...
Barney: All I'm saying is that there are some things beyond the ken of mortal man that shouldn't be tampered with. We don't know everything, Andy. There's plenty goin' on right now in the Twilight Zone that we don't know anything about and I think we oughta stay clear.