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Old 05-05-2020, 01:01 AM
queasy27 queasy27 is offline
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Originally Posted by thelegges View Post
As I have said there are those who are disappointed our numbers were not higher, and if they do not climb after we start this new endeavor of phase one, will be even a greater disappointment that people didn’t add to the death toll.
You have said it before and it still comes off as extremely cynical and divisive. You actually believe some people would prefer that thousands die just to prove themselves right? Wow.

It seems to me that some individuals -- and countries -- operate under the Vulcan theory that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. They feel that a higher (but still relatively low, mind you) death rate is a tragic but necessary consequence in order to forestall an even more catastrophic economic collapse.

The other side believes that saving as many lives as possible should be the highest priority.

So here we sit. The smooth vs chunky peanut butter factions aren't going to change each other's minds, either.