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Old 05-10-2020, 08:30 AM
Heyitsrick Heyitsrick is offline
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Originally Posted by shelley77 View Post
My question is, if all those that are so worried about being infected are willing to cause 30 million people to be thrown out of work and destroy the economy, when does it end? Do people really think that after a business is closed for 2 months it can just re-open? After people have been propagandized for months about gloves and masks and "distancing", they're going to go right back to concerts, airplanes and restaurants? We are now in for years of depression level unemployment because Fauci et al wanted to run a giant experiment. Have you given a thought to the physical and emotional damage unemployment does to families? Please multiply by 30 million. Add a bankrupt country with $25 trillion in debt. Now call the person who wants to open the economy selfish. You do realize that there is no evidence (No studies, none) to support the theory that distancing and masks and gloves even work to reduce the level of deaths? This concept of quarantining healthy people has never been done, anywhere, ever. 8,000 people die every day in the U.S. from all causes. We can have lockdowns forever to prevent this or that illness. Have fun with the new normal.
Thank you. This is what many - here and elsewhere - just won't respond to. It's like "yeah, 'they'll' figure that out when the right time comes". Sorry - it's almost assuredly not going to work that way. "But you just want to put us all at risk with your irresponsible behavior!!!" Right... We know about that irresponsibility. It's the kind of irresponsibility where you work for a living to raise and feed yourself and your family. That's selfish and irresponsible. Gotcha.

So when, then - specifically and explicitly - do you think it's going to be OK to get back to some semblance of living? Six months? A year? Eighteen months? Please...give an actual time vs. some generalized comment. No "whenever the politicos and epidemiologists say it's ok!" response. Where's our answer(s) on how the economy is going to come back? And why don't we - as a whole - care about that? It's astonishing to me. There's no "big picture" here any longer.

The damage done to the economy already is devastating. But hey, it's a good thing every company - particularly small companies and independent contractors and/or gig workers - have saved tons of money to carry them through this minor inconvenience. Oh wait - real life doesn't really work that way. These companies will perish. The employees will have to hope they can find new and commensurate jobs. Tough luck for them, though, right? At least we're retired! And no big deal, the Fed will just print trillions of dollars to prop things up.

What I find selfish is people who think nothing of preaching responsibility about what others do vis-à-vis their activities and the virus, yet seemingly don't think one wit about where we're all going to be at that yet undetermined time when people feel they can relax the hunkering down. You should try to envision that. It's not going to be pretty.

I know, I know...cue the "the economy doesn't matter if you're dead!" remarks. Add to that the "you don't have the right to infect me!" comments. Expected. But there are many daily activities that entail risks of sorts that we think nothing of. We engage in them because they are part of what encompasses living. Now, what we collectively engage in is fear.

Many of us don't do anything to keep our own bodies in shape - thereby increasing the odds that we'll succumb to some medical malady, virus-related or not. But hey, don't risk my life by potentially spreading that virus! If I want to be overweight, drink and smoke, that's my choice! Of course, your family and friends might think differently.

What there should be is a plan to help protect and sequester the elderly and otherwise vulnerable, while allowing younger people to go back to work. Keep this in place until there is that vaccine. It's a sensible - and reasonable - compromise.

Yeah, I'm just someone else worrying about that little thing called the economy. I just don't grasp what's really important. Who needs an economy, anyway? What am I thinking? We'll all be fine.