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Old 05-20-2020, 05:36 AM
MandoMan MandoMan is offline
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Originally Posted by LI SNOWBIRD View Post
I checked and there are 7 near me,
Kinda scary

check out this website FDLE - Sexual Offender and Predator System
It’s worthwhile clicking on the little houses and learning more about the people before getting worked up. In a one mile circle surrounding my house, only one person is shown, at the far edge of that area. He’s almost 85, only five feet tall, and was found guilty of possessing a photo of a child in a sexual position. Somehow he doesn’t seem like someone you should worry about very much. Many of the offenders shown were not convicted because of physical crimes against others, but of possessing something illegal. The vast majority shown in the area of The Villages seem not be listed as predators, but as men who have offended at some time, often just once. Many offenders at this level have been scared straight and are not people to worry about. If their interest was or is in children, then a city with virtually no children, mostly older people, with lots of healthy activities to occupy the mind and body, seems like the healthiest place for them to be. Remember that people on this database are primarily there so we can know who and where they are and be cautious, not so that we can destroy their lives all over again. In most cases, these people have paid their debt to society. Also, a man convicted of something at age 50 may have lost most of his interest in it by the time he is 70, due to decreasing testosterone or increasing love of golf or pickle ball. (Joking) thus, not much of a threat.

That said, it’s true that a lot of the non-sexual crime stemming from The Villages (and there is very little of it) seems to come from grown children of villagers who for some reason are living with them and often being mean to them, or going to some bar to pick up a new friend and getting into trouble. Should we do something about them?

What if there were a database of people who have been arrested for non-sexual violence, such as spouse abuse or fights or resisting arrest after an arrest for shoplifting or driving under the influence? That would be interesting, and there might be more people on it, both men and women.

Last edited by MandoMan; 05-20-2020 at 05:42 AM.