Thread: Mask Paranoia
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Old 05-28-2020, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by GoodLife View Post

No, it's totally incorrect. Fauci and the CDC knew the virus was spreading human to human in China through people coughing sneezing droplets of virus before it even got here. They first learned about asymptomatic spreaders after anaylizing the cases on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in February and found that 17% of the positives experienced no symptoms. Fauci was still saying masks not necessary in late March on 60 minutes.
This is the reason why I am so disappointed in our government and the experts. If only they were honest with the American people early on (February) and encouraged the use of masks to prevent the spread of this virus, many lives could have been spared. This virus would be a non issue at this point if we had all come together and mitigated it. Their decision to deceive Americans so we would not purchase masks needed for the front line workers was very wrong, IMHO.

When the CDC and our experts finally informed us all that masks were recommended to prevent the spread of the virus what did Americans do? Americans began making home made masks and posted videos on YouTube on how to make home made masks. It became a war effort of sorts with this invisible enemy. I felt like Americans embodied Rosy the Rivetor from WWII. We went to task and are still going strong for the "war effort" against this virus.

I've posted this video before in other threads but just in case you haven't seen it, this demonstrates how masks block droplets. Those droplets are what carries the virus into the air when an asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic person breathes, speaks, sings, coughs or sneezes.

How a mask blocks droplets - YouTube

Last edited by coffeebean; 05-28-2020 at 03:04 PM.