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Old 05-30-2020, 09:18 PM
Ladygolfer93 Ladygolfer93 is offline
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And yet.... we have really respectable data showing countries that did not require people to stay inside their homes actually did better, then we have respectable researchers showing us data of how much WORSE those confined to their homes have done, New York is now blaming the high death toll on those who were confined inside, keeps changing all the time, no wonder people are so frightened, angry, so inhuman to others (beating people in some cities for no masks... ? Yet, masks, in the hands of armatures, we are told by world renown microbiologists, are filled with germs, mishandled, pulled up and down with people contaminating themselves and other more, as well as contaminating items in stores more.... have you seen them hanging from rear view mirrors ? Have to read what microbiologists say about that ? No wonder people are so frightened and all believe their particular education makes them "experts" in this new virus.
Now I have read what breathing in the warm, moist, germ laden air of a mask can do to an individual ! So many on here quote "Fauci" ??? Good grief, this man seems to change his mind at least once a week if not more ! It's almost like a comedy act to see his "expert" TV speeches one after the other, each saying the exact opposite of what he said the week before. I suppose if I say I think a lot of what is advised on this board is really over the top, I'd be stomped to death "figuratively" that is. I have noticed a real nasty trend in people lately. Is is fear ? Lack of reason ? Perfectly nice people turning into nasty people, spying on neighbors and friends, making judgments on them, taking pictures of people having friends over to "turn them in" ? All so sad. So sad !

Last edited by Ladygolfer93; 05-30-2020 at 09:23 PM. Reason: clarity