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Old 05-31-2020, 05:26 AM
MandoMan MandoMan is offline
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Originally Posted by Michael Charles View Post
It would be of no benefit attempting to protect their assets. The prosecutors will most likely follow the money trail which will be quite evident by whatever distribution of marital assets BEFORE the filing of divorce. I don't know about their financial assets but I'm 100% certain the legal fees about to be incurred from his pending legal case will most likely consume much of it before any civil action will be started. After all he was a 19 year civil service veteran with a boatload of complaints. How much savings could they have?

Perhaps the civil suit may come from former victims and from George Floyd's families against the municipality that kept on this police officer with many complaints. Their will be a need to answer the question of WHY keep this person on the police department?

Just my highly educated personal opinion.
There won’t be any money to follow. Essentially all their assets will go to paying his attorney. Floyd’s family will get a giant payout from the city, but not from Chauvin, who will be broke and will forfeit his pension. I suspect he and his wife had been fighting anyway, and she figured this is a bad time to get a divorce, but better late than never. It’s not like he’s going to be able to pay any alimony or child support.

Meanwhile, what about the domestic terrorists burning our buildings and trashing police cars and looting and endangering? Can they be identified? Can they be punished? I’d like to see everyone involved in these violent “protests” required to pay reparations to the State and reimburse those they have harmed, whatever their ethnicity. I hate what was done to George Floyd, but that does not justify the destruction and terrorism. The laws should not be suspended just because people see their “rage” as a great chance to loot a store with a get out of jail free card. Good thing felons can now vote, right?