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Old 05-31-2020, 08:16 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by Jerry101 View Post
I keep hearing from others that because I am a white man ... I am a person of privilege. I always bristled at that suggestion. How can anyone who’s never walked a step in my shoes suggest that? ... and then I realized they were right after all! I had the privilege of having a loving mom and dad! They loved their four kids unconditionally! We ended every night with prayer! We said a prayer of thanks at every meal. We started every Sunday morning at Sunday school and then worshiped together in church. All four of us kids were there when we buried our parents. Today the four of us are nothing special ... but we know ... by faith... that Jesus is Lord! I’m sorry ... you are right... I am a person of privilege! Amen!
You have never had to leave your house to go to school or work, and worry that the police car driving up the road is going to stop and officers come out with their hands on the handles of their guns, questioning why you're walking on the sidewalk in your neighborhood.

You have never had to be followed by a store clerk who is worried that you're going to steal something.

You've never been in an elevator and when it opened on another floor, the young family about to get in, chose to wait for another elevator instead.

That is privilege. You enjoy things that black people don't get to enjoy, simply by virtue of your skin color.