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Old 06-01-2020, 01:52 PM
nututv nututv is offline
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Ever had bones broken because of your color? Ever been bloodied (too many times to count) because of your color? Ever been given an F on a project in High School because of your color when you knew it was A or B material? Ever been thrown against a locker (too many times to count) because of your color and the fact you were half their size? Ever been shipped to the black school because that's just where you happened to live when busing came about? Ever been looked over in a promotion because they needed more minorities before they hired any whites?
I was raised in an Air Force family my entire childhood and joined myself as soon as I could. If you wanted to get knocked down to size, mention a racial slur knocking any race. It simply wasn't said in our house by anyone. Even during my weekly beatings/bullying in school.
Ever been called a racist because you couldn't stand Obama (half black) when at the same time you were calling the offices of Allen West (both parents black) begging him to run for President?
Ever been schooled on white male privilege by a woman (black and white) lol It's like me describing what childbirth is like.
Man of privilege my arse!
PS. I won't mention the times my blond haired brother 10 years older than myself was ganged up on by the locals in High School when we were stationed in Hawaii. Yeah, we were Haole's and in the late 50's, early 60's, it wasn't something you wanted to be 'in paradise'. Isn't white privilege great!

Last edited by nututv; 06-01-2020 at 02:28 PM.