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Old 06-05-2020, 09:37 PM
Kim Fowler Kim Fowler is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
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We bought a 10-year old home near Lake Sumter for two primary reasons: we wanted the “central“ location and mature landscaping. Love our good-sized oak tree and palms, and those of our neighbors. In a few years, we will be on the “north end” as T.V. grows further south.
Some folks advised us to buy in the newer areas to meet more people our age (early 60s). We found out that our neighborhood is “turning over,” with a mix of older and younger people. We’ve also made great friends through our activities (golf, clubs, etc.)
We did not rent, but did a week-long lifestyle visit and then spent months looking at houses online. Definitely recommend getting both a T.V. sales person and MLS realtor so you can see any type of home.
We love it here!