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Old 06-09-2020, 08:08 AM
MandoMan MandoMan is offline
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Originally Posted by bakon View Post
Still working. Visit few times a year and plan on being a toad in 22 months. I have met a few there and ask how long does it take to not look at everything suspicious. Everyone is so laid back and I feel like I am on level 10 even on vacation. Anyways most say it takes a year and then you ease into the retirement. See you over the 4th.
It’s so sad that you have to live with that level of stress, probably feeling people radiating lies, violence, and hatred as you try to do your duty. How can you be expected to act like Andy of Mayberry under those conditions?

Just remember that the number of protestors in the streets is small—spit in a bucket. The vast majority of people in this country, whatever their political affiliation, respect and honor our police for their work and the help they give us and their sacrifice. Never assume that respect comes from only one party.

I have a friend who felt compelled to take her daughter to a protest march in Pennsylvania yesterday. The two of them carried Peace signs. They thought they were part of something important. Then the featured speaker started calling for armed revolt. She grabbed her daughter and left, sickened. She has a lot of police friends, and her son plans to become one after college. So even a lot of liberals support the police.

I want to thank you and any other police personnel reading this, retired or not, for your service to the country and it’s law-abiding citizens, and also for your service to those who scoff at the laws, keeping them in line. We know you and yours make personal sacrifices to keep us safe.