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Old 12-28-2008, 10:23 AM
SteveZ SteveZ is offline
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All the dog parks in the world won'[t change the slug who just opens his door, lets the dog out, and watches (sometimes) the dog from the doorway. Since the plat plan is not written in the canine language, the dog does not have true knowledge of the property line - and to me it's no different than if the owner him/herself walked out and "deposited" on the neighbor's yard. Laziness and apathy aren't fixable via more facilities.

The same holds true for the owner who doesn't bother bringing a bag or two to pick up after their dog, and the owner either tries to look sheepish or just acts arrogantly. That's just "slug" behavior by a person on the lower end of the homo sapiens development chain.

Yep - "return to sender" of the unsolicited product does seem proper.....