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Old 07-04-2020, 04:33 PM
Number 10 GI Number 10 GI is offline
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Default Calling Someone A Nazi

Calling someone a Nazi because you don't like their political/social/personal beliefs totally diminishes what Nazis and Nazi Germany was like and reflects the name caller's lack of intelligence and wilfull ignorance. I have read numerous books by holocaust survivors, watched many, many documentaries on the holocaust and have personally visited the Dachau death camp. There is no way a person can understand how brutal and savage it was unless they lived it. I know I can only imagine what it was like.

In one book I read it told of how the Sonderkommando, death camp prisoners in work groups that were forced with threats of their own death to dispose of gas chamber victims, would take live babies that survived the gas and swing them by the feet smashing their heads against a post killing them. It was either this or throw a live baby into the ovens. I can go on with other stories like this but I hope you get the point.

If I were a death camp surviving Jew, a Gypsy, a homosexual, or a political prisoner it would seriously anger me to see the name Nazi used just for political character assassination against a person who is nothing like a Nazi.