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Old 07-19-2020, 06:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Byte1 View Post
How does "social distancing" keep you from inhaling the virus in a closed area? If that's the case, then social distancing in a grocery store would work even better than sitting in one place such as a restaurant. Funny how there is always some "explanation" to fit the scenario, for whatever suits those that wish to debate. So called "specialists" are saying that being outside is "safer" and a mask is not necessary (if social distancing). Being in Walmart, you are in a large area and should be safer than if you are in a small restaurant. I am asking this because it is interesting to hear the "experts" on here with their explanation that suits their agenda/demands.

I am amused because even though I wear a mask when shopping, I have not worn a mask at a restaurant since they reopened, and I eat out at least once a week.

By the way, I have a relative that is in ICU wearing a respirator fighting for his life, virus infected. He ALWAYS wore a mask and has not been around anyone that has tested positive, other than when he visited a relative in the hospital that tested negative. The patient was not in the hospital for virus related illness. The only way this relative could have contracted the virus is by visiting in the hospital, if wearing a mask kept him safe before the visit. He was not around any crowds and shopped curbside, and had no visitors to his home and did not visit anyone else except family that all tested negative after he was infected.
I've seen video of how the virus drops off within 6 feet and becomes a non issue when someone is infected with the virus. The "experts" tell us that a six foot distance is what is necessary to be safer than any closer because the virus does just not project that far. I believe this science or I would not dine in restaurants. The restaurants that make me feel safer are the ones which have raised dividers between their booths. The added protection makes me feel safer.

So sorry to hear about your relative. I guess nothing is 100% as far as being protected in this pandemic and I wouldn't expect that. I just refuse to hold up in my home forever and not get out there and enjoy life. I always wear masks indoors and hope that as more and more people will do that, we all will be safer to live our lives in this new normal of ours.

I'm respectful when dining in a restaurant. I wear my mask as I enter and move about in the restaurant. I wear a mask while ordering. The mask comes off when my drink is served and remains off until I get up to leave the restaurant. Hubby does these same practices.