Thread: Trolls!!!!
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Old 08-02-2020, 07:27 AM
Heyitsrick Heyitsrick is offline
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
I'm very interested to learn which religion requires its adherents to stick white crosses on their lawns. Is that some off-shoot of Christianity? Because I searched the old testament, and the new, and even the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic texts and the Talmud, and I find absolutely zero reference to "white cross" or "front lawn."

I do see that you must bind the ten commandments as a sign upon your gates, but that is the law for the mezuzzah and it goes on the frame of your door, or can be affixed to your actual gate, if you have one. And, that would only be if you're Jewish - and it wouldn't be a cross. And it doesn't have to be white.
So, essentially you're saying that white crosses aren't religious symbols, and shouldn't be characterized as such. That doesn't mean they couldn't be "lawn ornaments" as a deed restriction might prohibit, but your research as you state it finds no biblical references to white crosses. So, surely they can't be deemed as Christian symbols, right? Of course, insofar as anyone knows, there were no "front lawns" as we would understand them today in biblical times.