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Old 09-03-2020, 10:04 AM is offline
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Default No country in the world puts up

Originally Posted by sooziesoul View Post
I was born into a racing family. It has always been part of my life. But, I have become discouraged with NASCAR as well . Banning the Confederate flag and the whole Bubba Wallace thing.
statues of traitors who lead a rebellion against there country , put the statues and flags in a museum. The top 10 generals and politicians should have been hung for the carnage they were responsible for . This is a view I’ve had since high school , all you have to do is walk through any New England town square and read the names of the dead. I don’t hav a problem with a statue honoring the average confederate soldier , but spare me the God like images of Bobby Lee , who on the last day sacrificed a patrol of young men looking for a way out. People trying to whitewash the betrayal call it the noble cause , not for the average soldier caught up in a war just so rich guys could keep a disgusting way of life