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Old 09-05-2020, 11:49 AM
Stu from NYC Stu from NYC is offline
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Originally Posted by lmrk32 View Post
I have visited the Villages and have been considering retiring there so I have been following the posts closely now just to get a feel for mind set of this community.

I must ask....why is everyone so nasty? Why do people feel so entitled to attack others who dare to have a different opinion? It is fine to disagree, as we all have a right to state our opinion, but why must it be in such a vicious way?

It is such a turn-off.
I am a born and bred NYer so I am fluent in sarcasm but this degree of nastiness is offensive even to me.

I am interested in the new apartments because I am a woman alone and do not want the trouble of keeping up a house.
I am not white trash. I have an advanced degree from an Ivy League school.
I have a healthy income and retirement fund.
So, I might actually be an asset to your community.....I will not bring you down just because I live in an apartment.
But if I am going to be made to feel like crap simply because I chose to live in an apartment....I really don't need that! I will be retired. I want to enjoy!!!! Not listen to bitterness and prejudice.

So, if any of you now want to make a snarky remark because "I have an advanced degree from an Ivy League school" or because "I am a woman alone" or because of anything else you would like to pick out of this post and ridicule, just save it.....I am not interested in such ignorance.

You are in a playland. Go out and enjoy instead of sitting home and ruminating over trivial things and then spewing venom
We are new here and find people generally to be very nice and friendly. Walk to the local mailboxes most morning and almost everyone will say hello. Do get a few who keep their eyes face forward afraid of talking to others but a small minority.

People do get steamed up about certain subjects but easier to do so while hiding behind a keyboard.

Most of us are spending much more time at home due to the virus and have more time to exchange points of view on here.

Welcome to the Villages.