Thread: Time
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Old 09-23-2020, 11:11 AM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by oldtimes View Post
I do not need instructions on how to fix this. It is correct when logged on and off an hour when viewing as guest. It is a bug in the software and I am just letting them know.
It's not a bug in the software. When you're not logged in, you will see the default time. That is how the software works. It is on purpose. If you are in California when you are not logged in, it'll look even weirder. And if you're in Australia and not logged in, it'll look weirder still.

Daylight savings doesn't exist in many parts of the world, and readers of this forum aren't located only in places where it does exist. And further, even ones who are located in places where it does exist, aren't only reading it from the same time zone.

When you are logged in, you will see whatever time you set your account to see. When you are not logged in, you will see the default time.