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Old 09-24-2020, 06:16 AM
Eg_cruz Eg_cruz is offline
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Hard-core BAKED macaroni and cheese, the way it's supposed to be:
Oven 400°

1/2 pound cavatappi (spiral macaroni)
4 tbsp butter
4 tbsp flour
1 c. milk
1 c. light or heavy cream (not whipping cream, not half-n-half, must be real dairy)
1/2 tsp salt
black pepper to taste
2 c. shredded sharp (or sharp/extra blend, or sharp/gouda blend) cheddar cheese
1/2 c. breadcrumbs (I use italian seasoned breadcrumbs)

1. Cook the pasta in boiling water, til just a little MORE cooked than "al dente."
2. Set aside cooked drained pasta into a baking dish. I use a glass corningware 8x8 but you can use no-stick 9x11 if that's what you have.
3. Make a roux with melted butter, flour, salt, pepper. (google that if you don't know how to make a roux, it's important)
*4. Add cream & milk slowly, stir constantly.
5. Reduce heat after it boils, keep stirring and cooking for 10 minutes.
6. add cheddar and simmer til cheese melts
7. Dump cheese sauce over pasta, stir to coat well.
8. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over top.
9. Bake 20 minutes or til top is golden brown.

* Adding the milk and cream to the roux makes a bechamel sauce - you can use that for all kinds of things, not just mac & cheese!
** You can swap out 4 tablespoons of the milk, and add a tablespoon of worchestershire sauce plus 3 tablespoons of cooking sherry if you want a "gourmet" foodie-type aftertaste. You can also add grilled boneless skinless chicken breast chunks, or a DRAINED package of peas if that's your thing. I'm a purist, I like it the original way, served molten hot in an ice cream bowl.
Great recipe
Have you ever tried crushing Lays Potato Chip on top instead of breadcrumbs.......yummy