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Old 10-06-2020, 06:04 AM
Byte1 Byte1 is offline
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
We took a short ride just to see how things were going the first night.

Surprised at the crowd level. More surprising and disappointing was almost nobody wearing masks.
Outside bars and tables shoulder to shoulder.
Even the strollers on streets surrounding the square.

I would have never ever guessed there would be more than 90% with no masks or social distancing.

Totally surprised! Extremely disappointed!

The clock is running....time will tell.
Maybe they will become infected, maybe they won't. Maybe they will become infected and never show any symptoms, like MOST folks. Over 99% survival rate, right?
How many have died from the virus in the Villages lately? I've seen a couple testing positive, but where are the deaths attributed to the virus?

There are a lot of folks concerned about what others do, but that is human nature. Is it worry or jealousy? Folks having a good time after being shut in for months is a bad thing? Not so sure it's a bad thing to see folks being happy.

I guess for some, the glass is ALWAYS half empty. Are these folks being foolish for getting out for some fresh air and entertainment? Maybe, maybe not. If they don't get sick, will someone still admonish them for taking chances?

Personally, I am not going to fault others for attempting to enrich their lives with some fresh air and entertainment. I won't be there, but I am not going to sneak around, spying on them from a distance either. I don't care what others are doing. I will concern myself with my own activities and those of my family. To put is civilly, I plan to mind my own business and let others do what they wish. I saw someone riding a motorcycle without a helmet the other day. I saw a golf cart being driven by a little child the other day. I saw several golf carts run stop signs without even slowing on several occasions. And shame on that guy smoking a cigar in his birdcage down the street. Doesn't he know that he is putting his life in jeopardy?

Millions have been infected with the virus in this country and have survived. Who's for taking a chance that you can be one of the lucky ones? Beware that some folks are still dying from the virus.
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway