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Old 10-06-2020, 07:39 PM
Number 10 GI Number 10 GI is offline
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Default A real hero just died and I'm angry.

I just received word an old army buddy and long time friend just died. We have known each other since 1967 when we were stationed together in Germany. His wife and mine were friends before they married us.
Bill served in the Army for 20 years and was a Viet Nam veteran who was awarded the Silver Star for bravery during his first tour of duty there. He suffered from PTSD and Agent Orange poisoning which caused extreme mental and medical problems for him. He and his wife had three children, two sons and a daughter that have done well in their lives. Both sons were in the military, the oldest a Navy Seal and the other a soldier in the Army military intelligence where they served honorably. Their daughter married an Army Ranger who also served honorably. All the sibling's children have either completed college or are working on their degrees.

Bill related a few stories to me about his time in Viet Nam with one incident that preyed on his conscience ever since. His unit was sweeping through a village in what intelligence declared a "free fire zone", meaning there were not supposed to be any friendlies there. If someone was there, they were Viet Cong. He was young and scared spitless. As they were sweeping the village he heard a noise to his right rear and reacted by turning and firing at the silhouette of a man he saw. Unfortunately it was an old man was carrying in his arms a small girl about 7 years old. He killed both of them, not a Viet Cong. So much for there being no friendlies in the area.

The Agent Orange poisoning caused severe medical conditions that made his life difficult and eventually killing him but he pushed on with his life not giving in to despair or whining constantly about his condition. He wasn't a saint and not the Devil but was a good father, good husband for 51 years, and a good friend.

I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm expressing my anger because his death won't be known beyond his family and those who read obituaries in their local newspaper. A man who gave more for this country than any celebrity or politician. Yet whose deaths receive nation and international attention? Hollywood celebrities, politicians and felons.