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Old 10-09-2020, 12:20 AM
ABUELA ABUELA is offline
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Join Date: May 2018
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The day we got our stimulizer checks we picked up our groceries at Walmart and left a fresh new Benjamin under a heavy item in the trunk with a note asking them to give a thumbs up if they took it or to just yell no if they didn't want to take it. It was hot, raining to beat the band and just miserable out. The kid looked like a wet rat. We got the thumbs up and a nice thank you and the feeling about doing something for a person who is literally killing themselves for us was amazing. We used up our entire checks on others except for one trip to Wawa for a Meataball Sangwich and a Culver's trip for a Concrete Mixer.

Maybe you know my husband he posts on here all the time. Take Care Now! Don't forget to not use any first or last names. I think I like this posting stuff.

Tipping under these circumstances is just the correct thing to do. These people have families and expenses. Helping them is a pleasure. If you're like the guy in the wheelchair in It's A Wonderful Life then NOTHING is going to change you.