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Old 10-27-2020, 06:41 AM
CoachKandSportsguy CoachKandSportsguy is offline
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thieves' job is to figure out how to get around security systems. so their hacks are relatively small transactions and mostly online crap to resell for cash, or to create online streaming accounts to resell passwords. Many transactions get by the nuisance threshold of most banks these days, so the banks are forcing you to be the security system for the nuisance charges.

A MA colleague had his debit card stolen, and then had a mule in AZ go into a local bank branch, and withdraw cash, on camera, with fake identification. That took a while to get restitution.

So the choice is using a debit card or a credit card? Debit has pos passcode to your bank accounts and credit has the 3/4 digit number on the back for your online verification.

my personal security system is a credit card with minimum limit, not allowed to be raised, which online states $500. Actual limit is $1,000 (grandfather issue) I use that card everywhere. i only use a debit card for cash at banks' ATMs in network. I also have a large credit card with $20K limit from the 90's when i was using it a lot, but now only on large purchases which hasn't happened in years.

Then limit the vendor storage of your credit card for monthly subscriptions. use your bank's push to vendor payment system, and not allowing your vendor to pull from your account. Finally, use the freeze card feature on your bank card when you aren't using it, with your smart app. Also, checking account balances should be as low as possible, there is no need for more than maybe $2,000 for monthly purchases, after mortgage, if you have one. After mortgage payment, i move excess over $2K to savings/investment account and live on that for the month. Just limits the debit card cash drain if i get hit.

Then you will have less number exposure in the commercial world to have the number stolen, online and otherwise.

I use cash whenever possible now, as the miles are't worth the exposure since we aren't traveling by air anytime soon. Our trips keep getting cancelled with intl border issues and quarantine issues.

read Threatpost | The first stop for security news every once in awhile to get an idea of what is happening in the hack world. BTW, hospitals are a high value target, so keep your debit cards out of those systems, and dr's don't need your social security number

fortunately i haven't been hacked in many, many years but i am sure its coming!

good luck, its a constant battle out there!