Thread: Masks
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Old 10-28-2020, 05:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Snowprint View Post
No, the virus doesn’t freely pass through a mask! Do you think doctors, nurses, and all other medical personnel wear masks because they don’t work? It’s a FACT that wearing a mask reduces the chance of transmission to yourself and others. The type of mask, & wearing it correctly, matters in how effective the protection from the virus. The amount of viral load is very important when it comes to getting infected and the severity of illness, and wearing a mask is proven to mitigate both.
There should be a national mask mandate! It would save many, many thousands of lives and millions of illnesses. We don’t know if COVID19 causes, after recovery, lifelong adverse outcomes. It’s only been around for less than a year, so there’s no data on the long term outcome from COVID19, even for someone who doesn’t get sick at all. The virus that causes hepatitis, for example, is detrimental for a lifetime.
I would hope everyone would not spread the misinformation about mask wearing. It’s dangerous and is deadly. There’s a reason why America is the poster boy among developed countries for how NOT to mitigate this pandemic. It’s because much of the political leadership is, plainly, stupid. Let’s not add to the stupidity by questioning the effectiveness of wearing masks to mitigate the spread of this deadly virus.
Then why are you doing exactly that????