Thread: On The Tee....
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Old 11-07-2020, 07:58 PM
John_W John_W is offline
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Originally Posted by Mortal1 View Post
I'm not sure of a point you're trying to make in relation to my post. When I get on the tee I expect little movement and quiet from anyone near me. Other than that it's of no consequence. My score depends on my concentration and ability on that particular shot.
My point is if you're on the blue tees and the gold is after that, and we're waiting on the black tees probably 30 or 40 yards behind you, and just about any group I've ever played with does that, you're not going to really see or hear us from that distance. If you're saying the following group is pulling all the way up to your tee and doing so as you're hitting, then that is absolutely wrong and I would say so.

Did you mean players within you're own group not coming onto the tee when someone else is on the tee, that's just slow play. All four of us will be on the tee at the same time but stand about 12' or more back and to the side and don't move or talk, just as you would be on the green when someone is putting, but are ready to go when the player hits. If players are hanging back in their cart or on the path waiting for someone to hit, that's a waste of time. Moving around and talking on the tee or green when someone is playing is basic etiquette, I learned that when I was 12 years old. If someone does that, I would correct them.

In reponse to the other post, we only allow one mulligan and that's only on the very first tee, and most of us don't even use it, I think one fellow used it yesterday.