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Old 12-23-2020, 02:36 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Be optimistic. Things CAN get better. And they will. Also what is "American" and "UnAmerican" have changed over the decades. Remember it used to be American to lynch black people who smiled at a white man's wife, or looked a white man in the eye. That used to be an American and totally acceptable thing to do.

We've evolved since then. We've DEvolved a bit over time, but we do keep progressing forward.

This mess with the virus is one example of devolution. If we had remained members of WHO, we might have had more vaccines available to us from the get-go. If we had paid attention to the trends of science rather than the trends of fear and hatred, our country might have been better off than it is now. How much better? Who knows. We won't know, because we were not giving the opportunity to know. The people responsible for making those decisions chose to not do what science suggested, once science determined there were actual steps to take. Until then, they could only say "this doesn't seem to be needed" or "that doesn't seem to be a problem." When they finally realized it was a problem, and something needed to be done, the people responsible for decision-making chose to believe all the people who said "BUT YOU SAID YESTERDAY...therefore you don't know anything!"

And here we are now, arguing over who gets first dibs on the vaccine.
Great post with respect to devolution away from science. (the rock group "DEVO" warned us about this in the1970s). Incidentally, I notice that ssssoooo many posters here are exuberant about getting the vaccine. I also endorse the vaccines. But, here is one fact that may not be known to many. Recent medical / Science experts have predicted that by next April around 25,000 lives will be SAVED by the vaccines. HOWEVER, 56,000 additional lives would be SAVED by merely increased, conscientious use of MASKS FROM NOW UNTIL April!!!! - 56,000 lives - double the lives saved by the vaccines. Google it. Food for thought!

MLK said that there may be setbacks, but overall the arc of history is upward toward justice !