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Old 01-15-2021, 08:22 AM
toeser toeser is offline
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Originally Posted by jrandall View Post
As a resident of Sumter County, I oppose the proposal by Oren Miller and Gary Search to raise road impact fees. Sumter County is a model for the State of Florida for Economic Growth and has been attracting business to it for the past several years. The proposed increase is outrageous! The increase will further decimate businesses impacted by the Pandemic and will make investing in Sumter County by potential incoming business less palatable and will likely steer many away. Also I am even more concerned that we may lose the potential for UF to build a hospital and medical facilities in the south which is definitely needed with our growth in population. The raising of the impact fees will damage our Community for years to come.
What is the purpose of growth if it is not self-funded? Our massive property tax increase is a perfect example why all growth is not good growth. No company run by any competent person would plan an expansion where the new revenue was not enough cover the cost of expansion. It would seem our County would benefit from the same logic.

We constantly hear from politicians about the need to expand the tax base. What's the purpose of that if new expenses eat up that expanded tax base? New roads, new water works, new sewers, new schools, more police all eat into that expanded tax base. Unless growth can actually maintain or reduce taxes paid by existing residents, it should not be pursued.