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Old 01-25-2021, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by John_W View Post
I believe the computer has to have some parameters, that being date and time would be one of them for tiebreakers when all else is equal. You have two requests both foursomes with all priority members and all have 1 point each. The date and time would be the next deciding factor, what else could it be?

Same with non-priority members making a request. Once the computer has given out all the teetimes to priority requests and now the non-priority requests come next, and equal groups with equal points, how would the computer know which one to consider next, date and time is all that's left. I can see a twosome getting bumped higher to be paired with another twosome, but in that case all is not equal.
Don’t forget that priority members playing with guests come before non priority residents. Not right in my opinion.