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Old 01-31-2021, 08:08 AM
Bill14564 Bill14564 is offline
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Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
I'm really surprised at the difference of opinion some people have about proving, a person has been vaccinated. We already have discussed that paper "proof" can easily be forged. Why not have a fail safe method of proof that can not be forged? I am truly appreciative that this opportunity will exist for those of us who have been vaccinated.
If you want a gold star to wear or a "digital passport" to show so others can pat you on the back - go for it. But DO NOT try to impose your fears of beliefs on me.

Requirements for vaccinations for anything other than the most critical jobs where freedoms have VOLUNTARILY been given up are counter to what this country was founded on.
Why do people insist on making claims without looking them up first, do they really think no one will check? Proof by emphatic assertion rarely works.
Confirmation bias is real; I can find any number of articles that say so.

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Village of Hillsborough