Thread: crypto currency
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Old 02-16-2021, 07:41 AM
Art cov Art cov is offline
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I am no expert! I do know this, people are making big money on Bitcoin. If you had put $25,000 into this last March, today you could have over $240,000 in Bitcoin. I have friends who have cashed out and made a boatload of money that has made the IRS happy. Of course fee’s n taxes taken out like anything. I have also enjoyed the ride. Mr Tesla put more then a billion dol in Bitcoin and now many institutions have followed suit. I can’t explain it but it is working thus far. Many in the financial world hate it for sure, while little John Doe is getting big profits. I myself didn’t want anything to do with this stuff until friends bought houses and nice new cars off the profit. Every stock has risk. Crypto is very high risk. Tesla went from $72 a share on 3/18/20 to over $800 a share at present! 1 year. If you snooze you loose! Whenever the sky is falling and the market tumbles, then invest! Buy at big discounts so you can reap big rewards. Being smart is the key. With this current atmosphere some companies involved with electric vehicles, solar energy, and the like are going to prosper, so be ready! Study for yourself! Sometimes the big risk is very profitable, but you can loose it