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Old 02-17-2021, 11:23 AM
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thelegges thelegges is offline
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As of this morning I truly believe this is still a free country, that I fought for. Those who choose to get the vaccine, it is your choice. Unless your immediate family, friends, news, print, or net, made that decision for you.

The OP didn’t mention the drug used in the 50s to keep pregnant women from miscarriage. DES was widely used, with little study, or actual proof, if it actually worked.

While the drug didn’t seem to have an adverse to patient. The children born, were diagnosed with multiple types of cancer. Of course it took up to 18 years for cancer to show up and be diagnosed.

Agent Orange, took close to 40 years, before there was a connection.

To those who deemed the OP AFRAID, I find any human who researches, considers the pro and cons, and make their own personal choices, should not be bullied into changing their thoughts. Their body, their life.

Many healthcare workers that I have been involved with over the last 50 years, are taking a step back, and not being vaccinated at this time. Some will say healthcare workers should be forced to be vaccinated. But those in childbearing years, pregnant, or immune compromised, who have worked through this, and are still standing without the vaccine, I applaud them for making their own choices. I won’t want them to find out 30-40 years later, possible complications, like DES, or Agent Orange. Most on this site would never live long enough if there were issues.

Imposing your beliefs, or thoughts, or actions, onto someone, is removing their freedom of living in this country. Even if you think you are right, and they are wrong.