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Old 03-06-2021, 06:16 AM
sdeikenberry sdeikenberry is offline
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Default Where are the Ambassadors?

Played Glenview yesterday, 0742 tee time. After making the turn, we immediately started experiencing 14 minute holes. By hole 6 on Talley Ho, we called the pro shop and asked them to send someone out...we had not seen an ambassador since we began the round on Stirrup Cup. Our complaint was the 14 minute holes. An ambassador showed up within minutes of our call, explained a group three holes ahead of us was playing slow since they teed off, and they were warned once, but not asked to skip holes. The ambassador said they now have two ambassadors for three nines, and it's been that way for some time. He said that's the reason they can't get around to check on everyone or keep players on pace. If this bothers you, call golf administration and encourage them to have one ambassador for every nine. Golf Administration phone number is 352.753.3396.