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Old 03-11-2021, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by tlshoe View Post
If you're anything like the guy who submitted this post, please don't move here--for your sake and ours! My own opinion can be summed up pretty quickly: When I have been away on a trip, I am very happy to return to our home and life in TV.
ME TOO. I love that the homes have small yards, so much less to have maintained even though grass cutting here is low compared with up north. REALLY LOW. I love that as the developer builds he first builds the amenities, the golf courses, pools, recreational centers and green spaces along the major streets. I love that things are maintained and repainted in the common areas and that even though they keep building, they keep building in green spaces, very unlike any other neighborhoods I have ever lived in and I have lived in some nice ones. And another thing...folks are older and have seen and lived through a lot, which makes MOST of them compassionate and open minded and SOME of them grouchy and negative. I have lived here since 2007 and it just keeps getting better and better, and my dear husband completely agrees.
It is better to laugh than to cry.