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Old 04-20-2021, 06:03 AM is offline
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I have NEVER been afraid of Covid. The only reason I wear/wore a mask and distanced is to be thoughtful for those who have been afraid.

Wasting this past year ++ in the final years of my life on earth has been the biggest challenge of my long life. Ok, I have a stupid rant..... I am sure people think they are being kind when they say “Stay Safe!” - but, it makes me cringe inside when anyone says it in the context of Covid. My mom & dad used to tell me to “be safe” and I find myself telling my friends and loved ones to be safe - but it is in reference to things like - staying safe from bad drivers, pick-pockets, cyber-criminals, slippery streets during a ice/snow storm, embarking on a long trip, going up a ladder to clean gutters ....

Anyway, sorry for rambling - if knowing makes you happy - yes, I got the vaccinations. I have absolutely no desire to know if you have gotten the vaccine. I will wear a mask - where I must. I will, however, choose to patronize businesses that do not mandate masks (please don’t get in a tizzy - it is my choice, if you feel different - that is your choice).

If masks remain mandatory - I will not waste my time getting any more Covid vaccinations. Again, don’t get in a tizzy - my choice.

‘Stay Sane!!’ :-) :-) :-) I think this is much more appropriate :-). But - again - it is just what I think. Say and do what you want to!